Legacy Giving

Thoughtful gifts that leave a legacy.

Legacy Giving

The Future

BBBS currently serves 1,500 youth annually, with many more on our waitlist. In addition to matching these children, we continue to develop new programs to meet the changing needs of our community. To support this work we need great advocates and lasting, reliable funding.


BBBS is a fiscally sound and responsible organization and an excellent investment opportunity. We have diverse funding streams including individual, corporate, foundation, and government support, plus self-sustaining revenue in the form of a donated materials collection, donation centers, and resale service. We ask you to join our efforts and be a part of BBBB’s impressive and important work. Please review the following investment opportunities and discover how you can create a legacy with us.

Menu of Opportunities


Leave assets to BBBS in your will or revocable living trust. Easy, inexpensive, and revocable. Retain control of your assets. However, there are no current income tax deduction and the assets remain in your estate for estate tax purposes.

Gift of Stock or Real Estate:  

Gift appreciated stock or real estate today. Stock gifts are simple and inexpensive and provide an immediate income tax deduction. Real estate gifts also give the donor an immediate tax deduction. Both gifts remove the assets from the donor’s estate for estate tax purposes. 

Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT):

Transfer property into a CRT; income to you, remainder to BBBS. Receive an immediate tax deduction for a portion of assets transferred into the trust and spread out capital gains. The gift is irrevocable.

Charitable Lead Trust (CLT):

Transfer assets int a CLT. Provides income stream to charity for term of years with remainder to family or grantor. Asset growth benefits the family, reduces transfer tax, but no control of assets for term.

Life insurance:

Make a gift directly to BBBS or to replace assets in CRT. Fund a new policy with BBBS as the owner or transfer an existing policy. Receive a tax deduction for premiums paid. The death benefit is not in your estate. Use part of the income from CRT to fund a life insurance policy for children.

Beneficiary Designations:

Make BBBS CNM a beneficiary for your IRA & 401k, real estate, or bank accounts. This is a simple and revocable gift. No immediate income tax deduction.

Retained Life Estate:

Transfer the title of your home or vacation home to BBBS while retaining the right to live there, collect rent, or sell the property. Simple to establish, receive an income tax deduction for gifted portion and remove property from your estate. You remain responsible for maintaining the property during your lifetime; property must be free and clear of mortgages and liens.

For more information, please contact:

Angela Reed-Padilla
[email protected]