School-Based Mentoring

Looking to get involved? Whether you’re interested in volunteering to mentor a child, donating, or enrolling your child, Big Brothers Big Sisters offers several types of programs in communities throughout our service area.

School-Based Mentoring

It may sound obvious, but sometimes the best place to help a child realize their potential is at school. Kids enjoy having their Bigs meet with them once per week. And parents know what a positive impact it makes.

It’s teacher-approved.
Some of the biggest supporters of our School-Based Mentoring program are teachers. They see students come back from their time with their Big filled with confidence, smiling big, ready to learn and eager to succeed.

Learning about life.
Bigs and Littles meet at the Little's school during the school day. They eat, play games, go to the playground, work on homework or reading, do crafts, or just spend time talking. It's all about starting a friendship, providing guidance and inspiring them to reach their potential. 

At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we have tremendous confidence in our ability to impact children and put them on the right path. But it means even more when an outside study comes to the same conclusion.